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The question was asked "Would you ever consider living in the best kept secret in Southern Indiana"?  "Oh, I don't know.....

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Wise Woman Diet

I had a dream last nite that I was in my friend's back yard and we were lounging in the sun.  Another friend of ours that we hadn't seen for a few months stopped by and we were discussing  life.. you know, all the details of how we came to be with our partners and how we came to be without them. It was sort of an emotional lament on all our parts.  She then jumped up, saying she had to go home and her floppy big, oversized shirt fluttered away from her body and I could see that she had lost a lot of weight.  As she was walking away I commented on the weight loss.  I asked her what diet she used.  She shouted back over her shoulder as she was walking...."I looked in the Mirror"!


adrielleroyale said...

Lol, I did that this year, except that I had to have the added incentive of shaking my belly at my friend and shocking her with it LOL! Sorry I haven't been on much, I took a season to rest and just haven't gotten myself quite in the swing of things yet. Anyway, you haven't heard the last from me ;) Thanks for stopping by, I really do appreciate it! :)

My Grama's Soul said...

HOW WISE....INDEED! teehee



Denise | Chez Danisse said...

Ha! If that mirror made her desire a change, well, so be it. As long as she was healthy and happy beneath that loose shirt, not much else matters.

Sir Thomas of Sorbie said...

What a dream. I wish the diet plan would work for me! haa haa....come and visit me. I have a new blog! I accidently deleted my last one. Have a great weekend Kim!

Heather said...

Hi Kim, I like this a lot. It's true isn't it when you start to put your attention on something or moniter something, it seems to improve! At the moment I'm looking in the mirror and thinking slim, if you know what I mean! Heather x

Kim said...

Yes, Heather, mind over matter does work and being reminded of how you look every time you look in a mirror should be the inspiration to diet. Well, I'm trying it, but it isn't happening too fast!! hahahahaha

nadine paduart said...

even in your dreams humour prevails... way to go, k.