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Don't pass up a "sign"

The question was asked "Would you ever consider living in the best kept secret in Southern Indiana"?  "Oh, I don't know.....

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tintypes fascinate me. They were the first form of instant photography. Some people call them 'instant relatives'~I call them 'instant tales'~my imagination runs wild as I sit on a rainy day and wonder who they were and what they wondered about...did they live a full life with happiness and disappointments. Why did I choose to pick up these particular little pictures of tin and keep them close~close so that on a rainy day I can look and again wonder at their little imposed faces on blackened metal?

Dilemma -
A dilemma is a problem offering at least two solutions or possibilities, of which none is practically acceptable.
Well, we are approaching the cool season, and I have such a soft heart..really it is a flaw, and if ever I am in an interview mode and am asked the question, "What is your biggest flaw?" I would have to say having a soft heart.
It truly is a detriment to the smooth flow of life sometimes...more than not for me. I can see every side of a problem and I can feel it,too. I have said this before, I think too much...and some folks say I don't think about the 'right things' what ever that is, but I do think too much about 'things' right or not so right or just plain a little screwy!
Anyway, I take in anything that is homeless or having a bad time of it. My family members and animals. I live in a very, very small house...just enough for two people really but, somehow, some way, people and pets are drawn to this little cottage and KennyRogersLookAlike and I are the innkeepers.
My neighbor's kitty, Gracie, has now adopted us in the middle of taking care of family members, nursing along a 126 year old matronly alpha cat called Miss Indy, and trying to keep this boat afloat in this economy! Gracie has not gone home for a long time and I finally emailed her mom to tell her that she has been visiting us every day. Her mom asked if I wanted to adopt her..she wants her to be happy. I have written about Gracie before...she doesn't like the other cats in the neighborhood...they all spend time in our wildlife backyard bistro alongside of the squirrels, opossums, chipmunks and woodpeckers~they are entranced by her~ she is not a bit enthralled by them. And Miss Indy gets all verklempt when she hisses. KennyRogersLookAlike and I spent an unusual amount of time last night enjoying the warm October weather and swinging on the swing with Gracie between us. After 2 hours~I can't believe we actually sat there that long~she stayed in the swing all night after we went to bed.
It's going to get cold and I am not sure that she will go back home. I don't know why she is attached but we are getting attached too..Another dilemma...Always a dilemma at our house!