Blogs are the new diary of our lives. They are the way most of us wile away the evening or late night. What is the purpose of it, one might be asked? Not so much a purpose as it is a joy. The thrill comes from writing, photography, reading and connecting with so many people all over the world who actually think like you do and think MORE than you do. It exposes you to all sorts of ideas and images that you might not be as readily exposed to if you didn't shout out in cyberspace. It helps you hone your skills at text writing for teaching a craft or moves your mind in a way that helps you improve your thinking and verbage;it enables you to discover computer skills you didn't know before. It surprises your kids! It makes even the home bound feel they can travel and connect with new found friends. That is worth more than monetary income. Once you start blogging it is addictive...it vitalizes you and it makes you go to bed at night thinking about what your next few posts can be about and what things you want to share or wonder about. It fills that creative need and helps us sort out our jumbled minds at times. Sometimes you get plagued with writers block...it is only temporary and natural and well understood by your fellow bloggers. Interesting note is that no matter what anyone has to talk about..no matter how great or how seemingly insignificant..it strikes a cord with your readers.
Only downside...your butt has a tendency to get wider.!!