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Don't pass up a "sign"

The question was asked "Would you ever consider living in the best kept secret in Southern Indiana"?  "Oh, I don't know.....

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


My sister and I have always been opposite..
She liked Cheerios; I liked Wheaties
She liked the egg yolk; I liked the egg white
She can sing, I cannot
She was lively, got bored quicker; I was slower~would obscess all day and never got bored.
She is a swimmer; I am afraid of the water
She is petite and slender~I am taller and rounder
She is shyer~I am bolder
Her teeth were perfect~I wore braces
She wears petite expensive jewelry~I wear BIG 'plastic'jewelry
She is sure-footed~I drop and roll
She wears glasses to read~I take mine off
She looks backward to back the car~I use my rear view mirrors
She studies the live people~I study the dead ones
She walked on the 'path' questioning~I saw the 'path' but I wavered off and didn't need an answer

We have one big thing in common...we love our lipstick