15 Books I've Read that will always stick with me...
The Obligatory Rules:
Don't take too long to think about this. List 15 books you've read that will always stick with you. It's fun to ask your friends what their 15 books are..
Mine are:
Gone with the Wind
Follow the River
Undaunted Courage
Life with Picasso
The Great Gatsby
Mothers of Invention
If You Don't Outdie Me
Abraham Lincoln
Harvest Home
Henry and June by Anais Nin
Wuthering Heights
John Brown's Body by Stephen Vincent Benet
Savage Beauty~The life of Edna St. Vincent Millay
Womens Diaries of the Westward Journey
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The question was asked "Would you ever consider living in the best kept secret in Southern Indiana"? "Oh, I don't know.....
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Today I have been visiting very interesting blogs that I have randomly discovered and am now thirsty to find more. These blogs are artistic and inspirational and very well written. Many have quotes and those that know me, know I love, love quotes. And they don't have to be by a famous person. "Regular" people have so much to say ~you just have to listen. I am amazed at what I hear from someone in the supermarket or drug store..enlightening bits of phrases and views on life. A lady came into the dental office I work at and as I opened the door to escort her back to the treatment room, she looked at me and said with a twinkle in her eye "we're lucky aren't we?" I carried that thought with me all day unto this day. How uplifting. Made me really stop and think about things. Another lady whose son is teaching in Africa said that he is in a very remote village without electricity and "at night there is nothing but his own thoughts to keep him company." I loved that. She emphasized that education even in that remote village was very very important and they are very strict about learning. These are just simple statements thrown out within a day of 8 hours but they are important statements to mull over. For me they take me to a higher level and make me move beyond the norm of day to day thinking.
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