Last weekend was a wonderful autumn time in Paoli, Orange County, Indiana. The afternoon on Friday was spent at the court house going through the old, old marriage records of the family. Huge books with the weight of boat anchors, filled with beautiful calligraphy from the 1800's.
Friday night~ full of dancing and music during the Pumpkin Festival in French Lick. Many bands in outdoor venue tents scattered along the streets. KennyRogersLookAlikeBeforeThePlasticSurgeryWentWrong's cousin Bobby Easterday and the Heritage Band played into the night. It was the last band still standing. I was not always standing during the evening, however. When they played 'Wipe Out' I had to get up and dance 'the bird'! Kind of a throw back to high school. Well, I didn't realize I had been sitting too long and didn't have my sea legs or dance legs! Well, one wild gyration led to another and just as KennyRogersblahblahblah turned around to grab my hand to twirl me....I went down! Which is not unusual if you know me at all. How embarrassing..I felt like a beached whale..KennyRogers****picked me up with the help of Bobby's girlfriend and I continued on dancing wildly. I know how to fall and I obviously have enough 'padding' to withstand a blow to the floor!
The next morning we were awakened by a clip clop sound. Very unusual to me, being as we were staying with Aunt Margie and she lives in a little neighborhood in town. I looked out the front door and saw Amish buggies going down the street. We quickly threw on our clothes and followed the parade. They were going to an auction 4 doors down the street. I'd never been to an auction and I'd never been that close to the old order Amish before~to hang with them...er well, I stood with them~is more like it! I was fascinated and intrigued. Would have liked to ask them lots of questions and would have loved to follow them home and have some fried chicken, mashed potatoes with cream gravy and corn and green beans. Bet they would have an apple pie for dessert,too. Made me kinda wish for the plain life. Think I could go for that right now. Isn't it a great thing that we can have diverse lifestyles in this country?